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Among its many treasures, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania has several orderly books of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment and some other archival material regarding the regiment and the Pennsylvania Line, including correspondence from Col. Walter Stewart to Anthony Wayne and others. Much of the subject matter is routine, but there are some interesting entries that give us a better look at the unit we recreate and the life of the Pennsylvania soldier in general. Here are some selected passages worth noting as originally copied by me in the 1970s, with the random use of capitalization, odd spelling, and awkward sentence structure as found in the original manuscripts preserved as much as possible.

-- Paul Loane

(kept by "John Irvine madman of the 2nd Regt Penn by his Capt. John Bankson")

Lancaster, March 6, 1778
"...Baron Stuban A Lieut Genl in forraign Service & a Gentleman of Great Military Experience having Obledgingly Undertaken the Exercise; the Office of Inspector Genl in this Army; the Commndr in Chief till the pleasure of Congress shall be known desires he will be respected, and Obeyed; as such and hopes, and Expects that all officers of what soever rank in it Will Afford him Every Aid in their power in the Execution of his Office..."

Division Orders March 29, 1778, Valley Forge
"Discipline being the very Soul of All Armys: So it Ought the pride and studdy of All Officers to Introduce it into their Respective Corps, in valor Man to Man are equal Throughout the World, but it is discipline alone which gives the opportunity in the field; and as the Genl hopes to Rival the Britons in that he also wishes to bear the Acalit [accolade] from the other part of the Army, for which purpose he requests the Officers to the Example they set the other day And Which Give the highest pleasure to his Excellency and met his warmest approbation in manovering themselves as Well as [the] Men. As there is no Greater or Surer Mark of Discipline than Clainliness So there is Nothing more conducive to health and Spirit, it Introduces a laudible pride Which is substitute for Almost Every Virtue: the General therefore in the most pointed terms Desires the Officers to Obledge their Men to appear Clain & Decent at All Times and Upon All Occasions: even Punishing that soldier that appears Dirty Whether on Duty of Not - the officers will cause the men to weare their Hatts in One way in the most Soldier like position and to mend their old clothes so as to make the best appearance possible, the Genl expects of sufficiency of Hatts with some other Clothing for the men Every hour - he has also ordered Col Byard to Lancaster to provide the officers Clothing and the Drume And Fifes belonging to the Division. -- Anthony Wayne BG"

April 1, 1778
"Some Brigades were late in sending their men on the parade this morning the Genl willing to attribute this to the difference in watches, and to the end that great punctuality may be Observed in future with respect to time the Adjutant Genl is to regulate his watch by the Clock at Headquarters the Brigade Major by his and the Adjutants by the Brigade Majors..."

"Division Orders April 6th 1778
The hair of All the Non Commissioned Officers And privates to be cut short and alike this afternoon the Commdg Officers of Regts and Corps Will pay a particular attention to this business As it will Not only be a means of keeping the men Clain that will make them appear more uniform and Soldierly and be attended With Much less trouble - "

April 9, 1778
            (Wayne threatens to reduce "Sgts + Cpls of the line" if they can't "preserve order regularity and obedience" and appoint others until he finds ones who can). "The Genl therefore Calls on Every Officer Major Genl to the Corporal for their exertion hoping therefore by the blessing of God to prevent shuch Numbers of Deaths Which unfortunately has happened since we came [to] this ground and see a stricter attention to order than has heretofore been paid."

April 12, 1778
"The funeral honors At the Internment of Officers, Are to be confined to a solemn procession of officers and soldiers in numbers suitable to the rank of the Deceased With Reversed Arms, Firing on these Occasions in camp Are to be Abolished - ..."

"Head Quarters Valley Forge April 16th/78
...The Commander in Chief Directs that Only one Sutler be allowed to Each Brigade who shall have A Suttleing Booth, Within the limmits of the Brigade And Shall Sell Liquors to no others but the brigade he be longs to, he Shall Sell his Liquors At the following prices, to the Oficers And Men of the Brigade to Which he belongs & on no pretense to any other under penalty of having his Whole Stock Seized and being Rendered Uncapibel of Ever Serving As A Sutler in the Army; Gin; Whiskey; peach Brandy Appel Brandy, Cordial of All kinds And Any Other homemade Spirits At 15 pr Gallon, pr Quart 4:; pr pint 2 pr half pint 1.3 West India full proof 15 pr Quart A bowl of Toddy Containing half a pint of Spirits 7: ... Shuch assigned Sutlers or Commissarys sent by particular State, Shall Sell of ____ kind Liquors in Camp or within 7 miles of Camp without ___ Except that the Quartermaster Genl is authorized to allow one or more licenses of Entertainment to Accomedate Strangers or travilers Which Must Necessarily be in the Vicinity of the Camp; the persons Receiving their [license] for that purpose; Giving Sufficient Testimony to the Army, the Brigadiers And Officers Commanding Brigades are to Report the names of the Sutlers belonging to their Respective Brigades to the Adjutant, And When Anny Change happens they Are to Report Accordingly..."



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